Small groups

Show and Tell

Show and tell is a game where team members share a personal item or story that has significant meaning to them.


A cherished childhood toy and its story.



A book that changed your perspective on life.



A photo from a memorable vacation or life event.



An artifact representing a personal achievement or milestone.



An heirloom with historical or familial significance.


What is Show and Tell games

Show and Tell aims to boost team spirit and empathy by letting team members share personal aspects, fostering a more connected and understanding work atmosphere.

Show and Tell Rules

  1. Each person picks something personal to share with the group beforehand.
  2. Presenters then take turns sharing their item or story, with about 5 minutes each to explain why it's important.
  3. After each presentation, the team can ask questions or give comments to connect with the shared story or item.
  4. If the actual item isn't there, draw a representation on a whiteboard.
  5. Give feedback or show support through chat and emojis.

Show and Tell Examples

  • A cherished childhood toy and its story.
  • A book that changed your perspective on life.
  • A photo from a memorable vacation or life event.
  • An artifact representing a personal achievement or milestone.
  • An heirloom with historical or familial significance.

How to Play Show and Tell on Livestorm

  1. Use the whiteboard feature for visual representation when physical items can't be shown.
  2. Encourage discussions and questions in breakout rooms for smaller, intimate groups.
  3. Utilize chat for sharing stories or additional details that complement the presentation.
  4. Apply emoji reactions for immediate, non-verbal feedback and encouragement.
  5. Create a poll to vote on the most inspiring or touching story/item shared for a fun, interactive wrap-up.
Emoji reactions

Try the emoji reactions feature in Livestorm

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Discover 50 ice breakers questions and games that will make your meetings engaging.

How to get started with ice breakers on Livestorm

1 - Sign up for free

Create your account on Livestorm in less than 3 minutes!

2 - Invite your colleagues

Invite your team members from your workspace. The more the merrier

3 - Choose your game

Now you're all set and ready to energize your meetings and events! Browse our hub for ice breakers ideas


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